Animated by Blue Zoo, It’s Pony was conceived and directed by super-talent, Ant Blades, It's Pony is a 2D-animated comedy for international broadcaster Nickelodeon. Ant directed all 46 half-hour episodes and his unmistakable and charming animation style really brought the characters and animation style to life. 

The show follows the story of an average girl called Annie, her (almost) average family and her excitable, loveable pony who comes to live with them in their city apartment. We are given a glimpse of what life is like coping in her parents’ farm whilst also trying to deal with the everyday struggles of being a 9-year-old in the city. Luckily, Annie has a companion in the form of her pony who she adores. However, his optimism and enthusiasm often lead the pair into unexpected and unwanted situations which makes for a comedic watch. 

To watch what antics this terrific duo get up to in both seasons of It’s Pony, check out Nickelodeon and Nicktoons!

Ant Blades, Director of It's Pony

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Executive Producer
Nicky Flemming
Head of Short Form & Advertising
Damian Hook

It's Pony


Animated by Blue Zoo, It’s Pony was conceived and directed by super-talent, Ant Blades, It's Pony is a 2D-animated comedy for international broadcaster Nickelodeon. Ant directed all 46 half-hour episodes and his unmistakable and charming animation style really brought the characters and animation style to life. 

The show follows the story of an average girl called Annie, her (almost) average family and her excitable, loveable pony who comes to live with them in their city apartment. We are given a glimpse of what life is like coping in her parents’ farm whilst also trying to deal with the everyday struggles of being a 9-year-old in the city. Luckily, Annie has a companion in the form of her pony who she adores. However, his optimism and enthusiasm often lead the pair into unexpected and unwanted situations which makes for a comedic watch. 

To watch what antics this terrific duo get up to in both seasons of It’s Pony, check out Nickelodeon and Nicktoons!

Ant Blades, Director of It's Pony

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