Created by the talented Mandy Wong and Rory Cooke and produced by Blue Zoo Animation, we are incredibly proud and excited to introduce you to Millie and Lou.

Deep in the forest lives a friendly, fearless young girl called Millie and her best friend Lou, a clever and cautious little cat. Millie and Lou, however, do not live in the forest alone… they share it with exciting creates called Forest Folk which are all based on mythical folklore.

Together, these best friends are embarking on a mission to meet every single one member of the Forest Folkies. 

This enchanting animated preschool series enhances the magic of making new friends and finding common ground, regardless of who you are and where you come from which is a sentiment we at Blue Zoo are keen to emphasise. 

You can see follow Millie and Lou on their adventures on the Little Zoo Youtube now! Visit the Millie and Lou website now to keep up to date with all the news and fun activities!

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Executive Producer
Nicky Flemming
Head of Short Form & Advertising
Damian Hook

Millie and Lou

YouTube for Families

Created by the talented Mandy Wong and Rory Cooke and produced by Blue Zoo Animation, we are incredibly proud and excited to introduce you to Millie and Lou.

Deep in the forest lives a friendly, fearless young girl called Millie and her best friend Lou, a clever and cautious little cat. Millie and Lou, however, do not live in the forest alone… they share it with exciting creates called Forest Folk which are all based on mythical folklore.

Together, these best friends are embarking on a mission to meet every single one member of the Forest Folkies. 

This enchanting animated preschool series enhances the magic of making new friends and finding common ground, regardless of who you are and where you come from which is a sentiment we at Blue Zoo are keen to emphasise. 

You can see follow Millie and Lou on their adventures on the Little Zoo Youtube now! Visit the Millie and Lou website now to keep up to date with all the news and fun activities!

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