Proud on Earth Day 2021 to introduce the Blue Zoo Green Team!

Our studio has a commitment to attaining B CORP status this year and using our platform to make the world a better place. Run by Blue Zoo’s Sustainability Champion, Eve Hebditch, the Blue Zoo Green Team cares about pushing our studio’s sustainability efforts in everything we do. 

Eve Hebditch, Blue Zoo's Sustainability Champion

In order to address the 1.5 degrees global warming, Blue Zoo’s climate change goal is to reduce its total emissions by 21% for 2023 and by 42% for 2028.

We have partnered up with a consultancy company who are monitoring our carbon footprint, as we have committed to do our bit to meet the goals of the Paris agreement. Meeting once a month, the Green Team is also planning how to achieve net zero emissions and switch to completely renewable energy in the studio.

Back in January 2021, the Green Team shared an initial Green Memo with suggestions on how individuals can reduce their everyday carbon footprint at home. 2020 has shown us that working at the office is not always possible and actually not the ideal in every case. There are many benefits to working remotely, one of which is the reduction in travel time and therefore the positive impact on our carbon footprint.

The response to the Green Memo was very positive with lots of members of the studio switching to a sustainable energy provider!

Here are a few of the points from the Green Memo:

  • Make sure all bulbs are low energy and position yourself or your lamps in a way that is kind to your eyes. Ideally you want to be in natural light for as much of the day as possible.
  • Buy your office equipment/furniture second hand. With today’s fast consumer trends people are getting rid of products before they even get any sign of wear. Buy local where possible. There are also some sustainable stationary companies, such as
  • Surround yourself with some houseplants. Not only will they purify the air but studies have shown that indoor plants can reduce stress, improve moods and improve your attention span.
  • When purchasing or making lunch, consider your environmental impact, particularly when it comes to the consumption of meat products. Eating a vegan or vegetarian diet produces a lot less carbon than a meat diet. You can reduce your footprint by a quarter just by cutting down on red meats.
  • Turn computers, printers and chargers and phones off at night.

Thank you for reading and watch this space for our future green efforts!