As an animation studio, we want to use our platform for good and create content to be truly proud of. We're always blown away by the wonderful messages from parents about how Numberblocks has helped their little ones approach maths. With series 5 on tellies right now, Series Director, Simon Taylor, looks back on directing episodes of Numberblocks.
"On 23rd January 2017, a little block fell from the sky and discovered her “one wonderful world” as she counted one tree, one bird, one surfing chimpanzee! Now in the fifth series of the show, the Numberblocks discover times tables and cube numbers. We’ve come a long way!"
"Numberblocks is a very special show that resonates with people young and old as everybody has a relationship with maths, whether that’s a negative or a positive one. Numberblocks sets children up with a strong foundation in maths by removing the intimidating abstract nature of numbers and making everything visual and entertaining while still keeping the storytelling based in maths first."
"The show has grown a lot over the years from the simpler episodes of series 1 to the ‘mini movies’ we’ve had recently like the film noir-esque The Wrong Number (our BAFTA winner!), or Now in 3D, which introduced cube numbers in a Batman-style parody. The show is always trying to find a balance between making each episode unique to keep the core maths idea memorable, while also being doable with the resources we have."
"What I’m most proud of in this series are the times tables. When I was little, we had this times table cassette that we’d listen to on car journeys and what would often happen is I’d remember the tunes but not the times tables! In this series, the combination of strong characters, great music, and clever lyrics that turn each times tables into a mini-story has solved that problem and I can’t wait to see the effect it has on children's learning."
"On a personal note, Numberblocks is particularly special to me. I didn’t enjoy maths at school and I didn’t want the same thing to happen to my children. Numberblocks came along at exactly the right time and I’ve had the privilege to direct every episode while seeing my little ones grow up alongside it. Their number skills continue to amaze me and we see that echoed on social media and letters we receive from fans. I’m so proud of this show and everybody who has worked so hard to make the show what it is."
New episodes Numberblocks are on Cbeebies right now! Watch series 5 of Numberblocks on BBC iPlayer right now.