Directed by Izzy Burton, and made in collaboration with a top-team of the Blue Zoo's animators and artists, Via tells one man’s story in defining moments against a backdrop of Izzy’s beautiful, trademark environments. Inspiration comes from a poem by Rachel Cladingbowl about life’s complex journey 'via' the obstacles and events in life we experience and overcome.

Find out more about making Via here.

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For all new business enquiries please contact

Executive Producer
Nicky Flemming
Head of Short Form & Advertising
Damian Hook


Blue Zoo Short

Directed by Izzy Burton, and made in collaboration with a top-team of the Blue Zoo's animators and artists, Via tells one man’s story in defining moments against a backdrop of Izzy’s beautiful, trademark environments. Inspiration comes from a poem by Rachel Cladingbowl about life’s complex journey 'via' the obstacles and events in life we experience and overcome.

Find out more about making Via here.


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