Told entirely using projected animation onto polystyrene film sets, Mamoon follows the story of a mother and her infant child who are forced to leave their home when mysterious, dark shadows envelop the light in which they exist. As her own light begins to fade, she is forced to use a strange red light to save her child. Nominated for the 2018 BAFTA for Best Short Animation.


Director: Ben Steer
Original Music: Matthew Wilcock for Zelig Sound
Animation: Phil Brooks, Ben Steer
Additional Animation: Ricky Honmong, Sarah Caisley, Simon Taylor, Steve Kimbrey
Compositing: Negar Bagheri, Elaine Thomas
Character Design: Marylou Mao
Rigging: Leo Blackmur
Modelling: Leo Blackmur, Lee Bowditch
Production Manager: Lizzie Hicks
Producer: Tom Box
Thanks to Max Halstead & Clapham Road Studios

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Executive Producer
Nicky Flemming
Head of Short Form & Advertising
Damian Hook


Blue Zoo Short

Told entirely using projected animation onto polystyrene film sets, Mamoon follows the story of a mother and her infant child who are forced to leave their home when mysterious, dark shadows envelop the light in which they exist. As her own light begins to fade, she is forced to use a strange red light to save her child. Nominated for the 2018 BAFTA for Best Short Animation.

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