In a timely story about love triumphing over fear, we created a short festive animation that would rival any Christmas advert in the cuteness stakes! Lynx & Birds follows the story of two adorable birds in an Attenborough-esque wildlife mockumentary, that unwittingly reveals a chink in the food chain.
When the birds come face-to-face with a fearful predator, the Lynx, there is a surprising turn of events that’s sure to warm the cockles.
Go behind the scenes and see how we made Lynx & Birds.
In a timely story about love triumphing over fear, we created a short festive animation that would rival any Christmas advert in the cuteness stakes! Lynx & Birds follows the story of two adorable birds in an Attenborough-esque wildlife mockumentary, that unwittingly reveals a chink in the food chain.
When the birds come face-to-face with a fearful predator, the Lynx, there is a surprising turn of events that’s sure to warm the cockles.
Go behind the scenes and see how we made Lynx & Birds.