Directed by Zoé Risser, we are proud to present the #BZShorts film of 2020, In Shapes! Born from the single word “puberty” and a brief to combine 2D and 3D animation creatively, this short was made completely remotely by BZ artists and the 2020 BZ summer interns.
In Shapes is an emotive and poignant mixed-media animation exploring the insecurities of a girl at the swimming pool. Created in portrait specifically for social media, the aim of the film is to empower young people who feel insecure about their appearance.
Sound by WMP Studios
Directed by Zoé Risser, we are proud to present the #BZShorts film of 2020, In Shapes! Born from the single word “puberty” and a brief to combine 2D and 3D animation creatively, this short was made completely remotely by BZ artists and the 2020 BZ summer interns.
In Shapes is an emotive and poignant mixed-media animation exploring the insecurities of a girl at the swimming pool. Created in portrait specifically for social media, the aim of the film is to empower young people who feel insecure about their appearance.
Sound by WMP Studios